Throw It Away Thursday – Room Rearrange

Welcome to Throw It Away Thursday!  Once my caffeine finally kicks in, I plan to change the boys’ bedrooms around.  At the moment, Kaleb and Kayden share the large upstairs bedroom and Kailer has the smaller upstairs bedroom.  I find that Kailer and Kayden get along the best between the boys, and besides that at bedtime Kaleb and Kayden stay up talking far too long after lights out.

My solution is to put Kailer and Kayden in the large room and move Kaleb to his own room.  I’ve always been partial to the idea of Kailer having his own room, since he’s six years older than Kaleb who is next in the decending age lineup, and because Kailer suffers from ADHD and needs order.  Putting him in a room with two year-old Kayden seems like a step back, but in my twisted reality it is actually a step in the right direction, because we’re finishing the basement tow house three bedrooms – the master, nursery and Kayden’s future room.  So when Kayden’s new room is done, he’ll move downstairs, leaving Kailer upstairs in the large bedroom, which is perfect for a pre-teen.

While doing all this rearranging, I’ll be decluttering like a mad woman once again – as much as I can while still doting over the kiddos at home 🙂

The Plan:

  1. move Kaleb’s bed to kitchen
  2. vacuum large room
  3. move Kailer bed to large room
  4. clean out Kailer’s room
  5. clean small room
  6. move Kaleb’s bed into the small room
  7. organize Kailer’s stuff in the large room
  8. organize Kaleb’s stuff in the small room
  9. decorate Kaleb’s room
  10. decorate Kailer’s room with Minecraft

Update with pictures to come soon…

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